Nedenfor er oversigt over Egtved Skoles regler og politikker. Dokumenter Politik - elevkultur på Egtved Skole 20.09.21.doc_.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - elevplaner 16.11.2020.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik for elevsamtaler Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - faglig fordybelse 05.12.2022.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik for indsamling af midler Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - informations- og kommunikationsteknologi 04.04.22.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - internationalisering rev. 13.06.2022.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik for kost Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - lejrskoler-ekskursioner-udveksling rev.13.06.2022.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. politik -lektiepolitik 30.03.22.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - påklædning for elever 13.11.2021.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - skole-hjem kommunikation 25.01.2021.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - sponsorater 25.01.2021.doc__0.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - uddeling og ophængning af materialer 25.01.2021.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Voldspolitik Shape Created with Sketch. Politik for den åbne skole Shape Created with Sketch. Generelle ordensregler Egtved Skole 21.01.2023.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Specifikke ordensregler Egtved Skole 21.01.2023.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Vedtægter for skolefonden Shape Created with Sketch. Principper for anvendelse af meddelelsesbogen på Egtved Skole 12.06.23.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik for fritidsjob og foreningsliv 27.03.2023.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - forældres deltagelse i undervisningen.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Retningslinjer for klassekassen.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Regel for brug af mobiltelefoner, smartwatch, tablets, computere, sociale medier m.m. i undervisning, SFO og pauser 050224.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik for bring your own device 15.04.2024.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik - flagdage 05.09.2022.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Egtved Skoles krise- og sorgplan.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Politik for Forældresamarbejde Egtved Skole 090924.pdf Shape Created with Sketch. Samtykke til brug af foto.pdf Shape Created with Sketch.